1 |
3_hold_af_2_opstilles_aut.xls |
Formation of teams |
2 |
6_hold_af_5_mand.XLS |
Make 6 teams of 5 men on |
3 |
adder_iht_baggrundsfarve_i_celler.xls |
No |
Summation according to background color of the cell - the associated VBA code will in this example, create a user-defined function that puts numbers together that have the same background color as the cell in which the function is entered |
4 |
advarsel_vaerdi_allerede_tilstede_i_ark.xls |
No |
Control on new number is already in columns A - The associated VBA code will in this example continually monitor whether an entered number already exist in columns A of Sheet1. If it already exists, the user can choose to delete the new or still add it. |
5 |
aendre_cursorform_til_vent.xls |
No |
Changing cursor appearance, where sheet-area - The associated VBA code will in this example, make the cursor on from the normal arrow to a kitchen timer (wait) in the colored area in sheets1 if a cell in this field is activated |
6 |
aendre_datoformat.xls |
Yes |
The first example makes it possible to change the date format from YYYY-MM-DD to DD-MM-YYYY. The second example does the same, but there is a built-in option for the user to change further in the final format. |
7 |
aendre_datoformat_variabelt.xls |
No |
The first example makes it possible to change the date format from YYYY-MM-DD to DD-MM-YYYY. The second example does the same, but there is a built-in option for the user to change further in the final format. |
8 |
aendre_kaeder_i_fil.xls |
No |
Changing links between files - The associated VBA code will in this example, make it possible to change a link to another file. |
9 |
aflaes_skaermoploesning.xls |
No |
Reading of the current screen resolution - The associated VBA code will in this example see the actual screen resolution |
10 |
afstemning_hhv_spec_af_periodiseringskonto.xls |
Specification and reconciliation of periodiseringskonto |
11 |
aktiver_anden_aaben_fil.xls |
Hide current file and activate another open file |
12 |
alan.xls |
Yes |
Demo |
13 |
alfabetisk_sortering_af_regneark.xls |
No |
An example that makes life easier if you are interested in getting sorted all its spreadsheet in his file in alphabetical order |
14 |
alle_dubletter_i_ark1_kopieres_til_ark2.xls |
No |
Give the duplicates in the current sheet in another sheet - The associated VBA code will in this example indicate the duplicates explodes in sheets1 in sheets2 |
15 |
alle_formler_og_links_til_vaerdier.xls |
No |
Converts all the formulas and links to values |
16 |
alm_tal_til_checktal.xls |
No |
There is via VBA code created a function "= checktal (xxx)" This feature results in the function of the remaining value converted to the number of letters, as used for example. on checks. |
17 |
altid_bestemt_dir_ved_save_as.xls |
No |
Always save in the code listed in the library - the associated VBA code in this example will do that always gemmesi it into the code specified directory. Here C: \ alan |
18 |
AM_eller_PM_dovenskab.xls |
No |
This saves the user to type ":" - the sign of times are a la 09:00 AM. |
19 |
animeret_graf_demo.xls |
No |
Graph line moves according to the specified graph data. |
20 |
antal_af_feks_et_navn_med_given_skriftfarve.xls |
Count the number of instances of alan written in red |
21 |
antal_gange_samme_data_i_omraade.xls |
No |
Count duplicate words spelled the same way - the associated VBA code will in this example, create a user-defined function that can count the number of times in an area where the same word appears spelled / written one |
22 |
antal_onsdage_i_en_given_maaned.xls |
No |
Count how many of a given weekday there are in a given month - the associated VBA code will in this example, create a user-defined function that counts how many units of a given weekday there is one particular month |
23 |
arbejdstidsberegning.xls |
Calculation of working |
24 |
ark_med_arbejdsuge_man_til_fre.xls |
No |
Indicate working in sheets - without week-end'r - The associated VBA code will in this example indicate Mondays to Fri-days in the sheet (work week), thus not Saturdays and Sundays |
25 |
ark_pr_mdr.xls |
No |
Insert one sheet per month - delete other sheets - The associated VBA code will in this example, insert one sheet per mdrjan-dec and delete other sheets (incl. Sheet here and "AJ") then save the file to dinharddisk before running the macro. |
26 |
arkmenu_on_off.xls |
Turn the menu bar (lyrics) off and on |
27 |
arknavne_iht_liste.xls |
No |
Here, it is possible to have the sheets in the file named according to a list indicated in Column A of a sheet |
28 |
arknavne_med_loebende_numre.xls |
No |
Names new sheet with consecutive No. |
29 |
aut_maaneds_kalender.xls |
Yes |
If you enter the start date for a month automatically created daily view for months. |
30 |
autofilter_og_kopier_til_relevante_ark.xls |
No |
Autofiltrer and udkopierer to sheet and name these |
31 |
autofilter_og_ovf_til_ark_iht_kriterier_i_koden.xls |
Autofiltrer according to criteria in the code and place in the appropriate sheet |
32 |
autofilter_resultat_i_ark.xls |
Status line text into the worksheet ifm auto filter |
33 |
autofilterresultat_print.xls |
No |
Automatically prints all the unique set of data in an auto filter-ranked area. |
34 |
autofiltrer_og_print_hvert_resultat.xls |
No |
Creates an auto filter and print the results one by one |
35 |
automatisk_cellevalg_een_plus_fem.xls |
No |
Automatic cell marker - The associated VBA code in this example will allow the selection of one cell also automatically select the 5 cells located to the right of the originally selected cell in Sheet1 |
36 |
automatisk_dato_sortering_ved_indtastning.xls |
No |
Date sort in connection with the entry in Column A - The associated VBA code will in this example automatically sort the entered dates for they are typed |
37 |
baggrundsfarve_iht_cellevaerdi.xls |
No |
Cell background color according to cell value - The corresponding VBA code will in this example give each cell a background color depending on whether the cell's value is above or below 100 in the selected area in sheets1 (yellow background if the cell value of 100) |
38 |
baggrundsfarve_iht_ugedag.xls |
No |
Colour coding of dates according to the day they are - the associated VBA code will in this example color dates entered according to the day they represent |
39 |
begraens_antal_tegn_pr_celle.xls |
No |
Limit the number of characters in the cell for 20 - corresponding VBA code will in this instance restrict input't in encelle to 20 characters |
40 |
beregn_hver_3_min.xls |
No |
Recalculate automatically every 3 minutes - The corresponding VBA code will in this example make it possible to re-calculate every 3 minutes |
41 |
beregn_opsparing.xls |
Calculate your savings final amount according to your data |
42 |
beregning_af_arbejdstid_plus_minus.xls |
Calculation of plus or minus in working |
43 |
beregning_af_laan_fast_ydelse.xls |
Loan Calculator |
44 |
besked_hvis_cellevaerdi_overskrides.xls |
No |
Notify user if a cell's value exceeds the max. - The associated VBA code will in this example, notify the user if the cell value in the formula in cell A1 exceeds the value 10 |
45 |
beskyt_ark.xls |
No |
Exclude functions from being made into sheets - The associated VBA code will in this example makes the following entries were made in sheets1 {F5} move to '+ {right} Shift right' + {down} Shift down {PgUp} page up '+ {PgUp} Shift page-up' ^ a Ctrl a selection code can be repealed by running the set up for vba code |
46 |
beskyt_og_ubeskyt_ark_med_password.xls |
Sheet protection on and off with your password |
47 |
betinget_farve_af_celle_iht_vaerdi.xls |
No |
Color Control Marking cell (about 3 seconds) - The associated VBA code will in this example do to cell B1 will be highlighted in yellow for a moment depending on whether the value in cell A1 is ligcelle B1 or not |
48 |
betinget_format.xls |
Yes |
Example of Excel's own data validation. A date is written in red or black, depending on the relationship to date. |
49 |
betinget_konvertering_til_html.xls |
No |
Conversion to html according to cell value - The corresponding VBA code will in this example convert rows with "alan" in a html file |
50 |
betinget_kopiering_af_kol.xls |
No |
Move X-selected rows to sheets2 - The associated VBA code will in this example, move the rows in sheet1 which is marked with an X (in columns E) to sheets2 |
51 |
bil_benzin_regnskab.xls |
Objective: Summary of fuel economy |
52 |
billede_iht_cellevaerdi.xls |
No |
Add provided according to the cell value - The corresponding VBA code will in this example make it possible to indføjeet provided (in kol.B) depending on the value of the cell (in kol.A) |
53 |
blinkende_celle.xls |
No |
Flashing cell - the associated VBA code in this example will do to a cell blinkerdvs switches between two background colors |
54 |
bruger_inddata-kontrol_3_eks.xls |
No |
Via a button in the sheet "Sheet1" activated three examples of management of user input; namely the number of characters that can be entered in a field that a figure entered my. is a given value and, finally, that the format is entered can be read by Excel as a date |
55 |
bruger_input_kontrol.xls |
Yes |
In this example, only the program's own form form data validation to control input. |
56 |
bruger_input_udskrivningsomraade.xls |
No |
User Abandoned printing area - the associated VBA code in this example will prompt the user for rest-Ket area to be printed via an input box. Limited to and medkol. In but NOT limited number of |
57 |
bruger_orientering_i_statusbar.xls |
Notify the user about the macro process |
58 |
brugerdef_soeg_og_find_markering.xls |
No |
Search for the user provides and select the |
59 |
brugerindtast_og_slet_data.xls |
No |
The user can enter / change / delete data in a database "database" which is located in an excel sheet by clicking a button in the "Demo" sheet in a file. Input occurs via a user form which in the example can be entered / changed / deleted in 4 different fields |
60 |
brugernavn_i_det_aktive_vindue.xls |
No |
The user's name is written into the active window at the top left |
61 |
byt_vaerdi_mellem_to_celler.xls |
No |
Swapping the values of two cells |
62 |
celle_a1_skal_udfyldes_foerst.xls |
No |
No entry is done BEFORE cell A1 is - the associated VBA code in this example will make that can not be in-typed data in the sheet BEFORE cell A1 is populated with data |
63 |
celle_eller_omraade_udelades_ved_udskrivning.xls |
No |
Exclude a field in connection with printing - the associated VBA code in this example will allow the use-clean omitting an area related to printing |
64 |
celle_fed_hvis_negativ.xls |
No |
Well, exaggeration should promote understanding, but in this case these are different ways of reaching the target, so .... choose the way that is best for you. |
65 |
celle_fed_hvis_negativ_2.xls |
No |
Well, exaggeration should promote understanding, but in this case these are different ways of reaching the target, so .... choose the way that is best for you. |
66 |
celle_fed_hvis_negativ_3.xls |
No |
Well, exaggeration should promote understanding, but in this case these are different ways of reaching the target, so .... choose the way that is best for you. |
67 |
celle_fed_hvis_negativ_4.xls |
No |
Well, exaggeration should promote understanding, but in this case these are different ways of reaching the target, so .... choose the way that is best for you. |
68 |
cellefarve_ved_cursor_bevægelser.xls |
No |
Colour-coded (yellow) of the active cell - the associated VBA code in this example will make that the active cell is highlighted in YELLOW color |
69 |
cellevaerdi_som_kriterie_i_autofilter.xls |
Using a cell value as a criterion in the AutoFilter |
70 |
cellevaerdi_til_tekstboks.xls |
Transferred cell content to a text box |
73 |
dage_iht_aar_og_mdr_uden_vba.xls |
Yes |
Exact dates according to month / year - WITHOUT VBA CODE |
75 |
deaktiver_hhv_aktiver_gem_som_i_menuen.xls |
No |
Disable or Enable the "File" and "Save As ..." from the menu - the associated VBA code in this example will disable the menu files, Save som.Menupunktet can also genaktives via code |
76 |
debitor_statistik.xls |
Simple customer statistics |
77 |
demo_betinget_formattering.xls |
DEMO conditional formatting |
78 |
demo_formler_og_funktioner.xls |
Demo'r |
79 |
dobbeltklik_aabner_bibliotek.xls |
No |
Open Windows Explorer from Excel - The associated VBA code in this example will make Windows Explorer open when double-clicked in sheet1 |
80 |
drej_en_figur.xls |
No |
Life is not all "work", so here's a bit of "fun and games" -afd. It has introduced some characters - drawn in excel - in a sheet and a macro makes the figures rotate when you click on them. |
81 |
du_pont_pyramiden.xls |
Du Pont Scheme |
82 |
dynamisk_graf_eksempel.xls |
Diagram aut. Adjusted number of data |
83 |
ej_rediger_celle_vha_dobbeltklik.xls |
No |
Prevent editing via double click in the cell - the associated VBA code in this example will make it impossible for the user to edit a cell by double click |
84 |
eks_funktionen_stoerste.xls |
Yes |
For example, as written, to find a given number of the largest number in a col. |
85 |
eksisterer_biblioteket.xls |
No |
Checks if a given directory exists |
86 |
eksisterer_det_anvendte_bibliotek.xls |
No |
Checks if the code listed in the directory exists. |
87 |
eksport_i_csv_format_med_med_komma_i_stedet.xls |
No |
Export in CSV format but with a comma instead of a semicolon - The associated VBA code in this example will export excelarketsom csv format, but instead of a semicolon as a space character an-inverted comma |
88 |
eksporter_graf_som_GIF.xls |
No |
A graph in a sheet made into a GIF file - The associated VBA code in this example will make the graph in the sheet Chart1 into a GIF image and import this file instead of the original Chart1 sheet |
89 |
en_liste_over_filnavne.xls |
No |
Both files makes it possible to find XLS files in libraries, but each in his own way. The first states only up so it can be the current XLS files in the current directory, while the other goes to a compound library specified in vba code "c: / data alan / excel / *. Xls" and counts how many xls files that are then lists them in columns A |
90 |
en_liste_over_filnavne_2.xls |
No |
Both files makes it possible to find XLS files in libraries, but each in his own way. The first states only up so it can be the current XLS files in the current directory, while the other goes to a compound library specified in vba code "c: / data alan / excel / *. Xls" and counts how many xls files that are then lists them in columns A |
91 |
er_cellen_markeret.xls |
No |
Checks if a given cell is marked |
92 |
excel_spiller_wav.xls |
No |
Here you can get Excel to play a music file, as long as the format is * wav. |
93 |
excelark_til_txt_fil.xls |
No |
This example consists of a sheet with the data in Col. 10 and 10 rows. These are output to a TXT format for future reference. further forarbejdsning there |
94 |
farv_dubletter_og_kopier_dem_til_andet_ark.xls |
Select double values with color and copy them to sheets2 |
95 |
farv_iht_kundenr.xls |
No |
If you have Customer instance. in columns A here you will get the color selected all rows with the same Customer with the same color. |
96 |
farve_iht_inddata.xls |
No |
Colour of entry in Column B according to data in columns A - The associated VBA code will in this example, give your input in Kolb color according to data in columns A |
97 |
farve_overgange.xls |
No |
Well, how are you "being justified" this, but let's say you have a picture in your excel file in columns A and you want to see what colors the image contains - then running just the macro that will show you the used colors in a cell separately. |
98 |
farvemarker_celler.xls |
No |
If there is a protocol with many data in it can be difficult to read them. This example color every other cell gray - of course you can choose another color if you want it - in order to facilitate readability. |
99 |
fasthold_indtastningstidspunktet.xls |
Captain time of data entry |
100 |
fastlaeg_arknavne_af_hensyn_til_vba_kode.xls |
No |
Arkkopiering directly naming - The associated VBA code in this example will make the copied sheets are easier to refer to in vba code |
101 |
fejlvaerdier_aendres_til_0.xls |
Changes cells with error messages to 0 |
102 |
fil_hhv_ark_navn_til_celle.xls |
No |
File and / or sheet name in cell - The associated VBA code in this example will make it possible to in-put the sheet name in a cell via a custom function or in-put file and sheet name in the same cell |
103 |
fil_spaerring_via_dato.xls |
No |
Blocking file according to date - the associated VBA code will in this example, make the file can not be opened after a certain date (03.07.2001) |
104 |
filnavn_i_dir_til_html_fil.xls |
No |
Make a html file with a link to the file names from a directory - the associated VBA code in this example will create an html file of file names in a directory. There are established during a link to each file so it can be opened by clicking on link't. |
105 |
filnavn_og_placering_i_sidefod.xls |
No |
Filename and location always printed in the footer - the associated VBA code in this example will allow aut.at always get the filename and location printed in the footer when printing |
106 |
filnavn_som_brugerfunktion.xls |
File does not work |
107 |
filoplysninger_i_et_ark.xls |
File Information Sheets |
108 |
filtrerede_data_kopieres_nyt_ark_med_navn.xls |
Filtered data copied to the new sheet called criterion |
109 |
find_bestemt_ark.xls |
No |
Checks if the code listed in the sheet exists. |
110 |
find_bestemt_fil_i_bestemt_bibliotek.xls |
No |
Searches for a file a specific place |
111 |
find_celle_iht_koltitel.xls |
Search kol.titel mentioned in the code and place the cursor there |
112 |
find_en_bestemt_cellevaerdi.xls |
No |
Going through the file and find a specific cell value |
113 |
find_hoejeste_dato.xls |
No |
Sorts and find the highest date in a col |
114 |
find_kol_navne.xls |
No |
Informs the user which Col. active |
115 |
find_link.xls |
No |
It can be hard to control herself sometimes when one is started with a "small" spreadsheet. So sometimes it is necessary just to check what other files / sheets referenced in the current file. This example shows this and allows you to delete the chain or not. |
116 |
find_makroens_tidsforbrug.xls |
No |
Do the time the macro is a throughput |
117 |
find_markerede_kol.xls |
Enter the selected protocol |
118 |
find_og_omdoeb_omraader.xls |
No |
Finder and rename fields in sheets |
119 |
find_og_slet_dubletter_i_kol_a.xls |
Do repeating data in columns A and plains of 4 col. |
120 |
find_rabatprocent.xls |
Find discount-rate |
121 |
find_raekke_hhv_kol_paa_den_aktuelle_celle.xls |
No |
Find the address of the cell that is active |
122 |
find_rangorden_af_tal.xls |
No |
Find ranking of number one versus a series of numbers - the associated VBA code in this example will find rangordensnr. a number in cell B1 in relation to a protocol number in the Kola |
123 |
find_referende_adresse.xls |
No |
Search for numbers in sheet1 and enter ref.adr. the cell in sheets2 |
124 |
find_udskriftsomraade.xls |
No |
Example where one via vba code automatically detects the connected area to be printed. |
125 |
fjern_formler_med_fejlmeddelelser.xls |
No |
Remove formulas with error values |
126 |
fjern_gengangere_i_raekker_nedenunder.xls |
No |
Deletes repeated data in cells below |
127 |
fjern_tomme_raekker_hhv_kol.xls |
Remove blank rows and col |
128 |
flere_linier_tekst_i_een_celle.xls |
No |
Insert text consisting of multiple lines in one cell |
129 |
flextids_opgoerelse.xls |
Calculation of current flexitime's surplus / deficit |
130 |
flyt_data_mellem_ark_og_tom_linie.xls |
Copy the data from Sheet1 to sheets2 and insert a blank line |
131 |
flyt_fil_mellem_biblioteker.xls |
No |
The user can move a file between directories listed in the code |
132 |
flyt_fortegnsplacering_til_excel.xls |
No |
Sometimes when data is exported from accounting systems are negative numbers so 1.000,00- Excel can not summarize these as this program moves minusset to -1000.00. |
133 |
forbind_cellerne_a1_og_a2.xls |
No |
Combining the values in the cells |
134 |
forbind_og_slet_data.xls |
No |
Finds and deletes data |
135 |
fordel_data_ud_i_ark_iht_dato.xls |
No |
Transferred data from Sheet1 to the relevant sheets according to the data - the associated VBA code will in this example udsplitte data from ark1til the relevant sheet in the file |
136 |
forfatternavn_i_fil_via_brugerdef_funktion.xls |
No |
Insert author name in the file via Custom. Function - The associated VBA code will in this example, enter the author's name in a cell in the file via a custom function |
137 |
forhindre_indtastning_i_givet_omraade.xls |
No |
Barring entry in a given area in a sheet - The associated VBA code will in this instance thwarting indtastningi range A1: K10 in sheets1 |
138 |
formater_til_tekst.xls |
No |
Change the format of numbers to text |
139 |
formel_vises_i_nabocelle.xls |
No |
Via a user function, it is possible to display a formula in the example. cell A10 in cell B10 by specifying the function in the last cell (B10). |
140 |
fpostprn_300901_med_opdelingsmakro.xls |
Breakdown of balance sheet accounts such as |
141 |
fra_ark_til_ark_via_makro.xls |
No |
Browse from sheet to sheet in a file via macro |
142 |
fra_formel_til_vaerdi.xls |
Convert from formula to value |
143 |
fremhaev_raekke_hvori_cursor_er.xls |
No |
Marking the range in which the cursor is - The associated VBA code will in this example, select the entire row in which the cursor is |
144 |
gang_iht_cellevaerdi.xls |
Multiply cell values by a factor mentioned in the code |
145 |
gem_aktuelt_ark_under_dags_dato.xls |
No |
Saves the current sheet from the file with dd |
146 |
gem_ark_i_ny_brugerbestemt_bibliotek_mv.xls |
No |
Saves each sheet as a file where the user wants it |
147 |
gem_fil_i_to_biblioteker_iht_kode_og_bruger.xls |
No |
Saves the file in the original library and another according to the user - the associated VBA code will in this example, save the file in detaktuelle library and allow the user to select another file which also saved |
148 |
gem_fil_iht_celleindhold.xls |
No |
Saves the file under the name in cell A1 in Sheet1 - The associated VBA code will in this example, save the file under detnavn which is in cell A1 in Sheet1 |
149 |
gem_fil_med_foreslaaet_navn.xls |
No |
In the first example, the file is saved without notice to the user. In Example 2, the file is saved under a proposed name including date included. |
150 |
gem_fil_med_sikkerhedskopi_i_specielt_directory.xls |
No |
Save the file and make a backup copy of the special library - The associated VBA code will in this example, save the file where you want it and at the same time save a backup copy in a special library man-tek mentioned in the code. Here c: \ alan \ backup copy \ |
151 |
gem_med_vaerdier.xls |
No |
Saves the current file under another name and with values - The associated VBA code in this example will save the current file under a different name and all formulas, etc. are converted to values |
152 |
gem_sikkerhedskopi_version_af_fil.xls |
No |
Save a backup of the current file or all open - the associated VBA code in this example will save a copy of entenden current file or all open files in the directory specified in the code |
153 |
gem_uden_alerts.xls |
No |
In the first example, the file is saved without notice to the user. In Example 2, the file is saved under a proposed name including date included. |
154 |
generer_vilkaarlige_tal_uden_gentagelser.xls |
No |
Generate random numbers without repetition |
155 |
gennemgaa_hvert_ark_i_fil.xls |
No |
Are all combinations from a list in a cow |
156 |
gaa_til_forrige_ark_via_makro.xls |
Goes to the previous sheet in accordance with the code |
157 |
hak_i_celle.xls |
No |
Put a tick (check mark) in the cell according to the "box" - The associated VBA code in this example will make a checkhak in cell |
158 |
holdopstilling.xls |
No |
Are all combinations from a list in a col |
160 |
husk_tidligere_aktive_celle.xls |
No |
Remember the cell you move from |
161 |
hveranden_raekke_med_fed.xls |
No |
Every second row is highlighted in bold in order to facilitate readability |
162 |
hvis_fed_laegges_tallene_sammen.xls |
No |
Adds all the numbers together that are formatted in BOLD - The associated VBA code will in this example, create a user-defined function that places all numbers that are formatted with the Fed - the one given on-advise - together |
163 |
ikke_sammenhaengende_omraade_vaelges_via_vba.xls |
Do not choose contiguous areas through macro |
164 |
ikonlinie.xls |
No |
When I with - unfortunately - periodically must re-establish my PC, I have found the smartest to make this little program that gets "my" additions to the icon line easily and quickly into place every time. |
165 |
import_fra_txt-fil_til_bestemte_celler.xls |
Import from * txt file to specific cells |
166 |
importer_en_txt_fil.xls |
No |
2 examples of importing a text file. In the first example, this is done without the user may provide any of the other user has control over the situation. |
167 |
importer_en_txt_fil_2.xls |
No |
2 examples of importing a text file. In the first example, this is done without the user may provide any of the other user has control over the situation. |
168 |
importeret_streng_til_tal_format.xls |
Change the imported text to numbers |
169 |
inddata-kontrol.xls |
Control of the user's input |
170 |
indeks_10_&_12_&_31_og_ryg_sedler.xls |
Yes |
Print Separator, rygfaner etc. A4 ring binder - no vba code |
171 |
indlaes_autokorrekturlisten.xls |
No |
Loading AutoCorrect list on a sheet |
172 |
indlaes_filer_fra_harddisk.xls |
No |
Loading all files in a given directory to a sheet |
173 |
indsaet_autofilter_i_flere_ark.xls |
No |
Inserts auto filter in multiple sheets at once |
174 |
indsaet_formel_der_ganger_kol_A_og_B_i_kol_C.xls |
No |
Insert formula in col C that multiplies kol kol A with B - The associated VBA code in this example will insert a formula in kolC that multiplies the value in Column A with the value in Column B |
175 |
indsaet_raekke_under_aktiv_celle.xls |
Inserts a new row BELOW the active cell |
176 |
indsaet_subtotaler_ved_dobbeltklik.xls |
No |
Insert subtotal in the cell is double-clicked - the corresponding VBA code will in this example, insert a subtotal in the cell is double-clicked. Double-click again and subtotal removal |
177 |
indskriv_data_i_valgte_raekker_via_inputbox.xls |
No |
Inserts data in specific rows |
178 |
indskriv_i_alle_ark_paa_een_gang.xls |
No |
Enter a text in all sheets at once |
179 |
indtast_loebende_og_gem_tidligere_data.xls |
No |
Enter the current data to cell A1 but remember past data - The associated VBA code will in this example keep track of which datader previously been in cell A1 |
180 |
indtast_password.xls |
Checking password |
181 |
ingen_tomme_raekker.xls |
Avoid blank rows in the list |
182 |
input_omraade_til_udskrivning.xls |
Custom print area via input boxes |
183 |
input_tal_ganges_automatisk_med_given_faktor.xls |
No |
Entered number is multiplied automatically by 5 - The associated VBA code will in this example automatically times the input number by 5 before it is inserted into the cell |
184 |
integer_talvaerdi_kontrol.xls |
No |
Checking if a number is a "Integer" value - the associated VBA code will in this example via a custom function to check whether a number is a "Integer" value |
186 |
j_for_JA_n_for_NEJ.xls |
No |
Upon detection of respectively j write YES and NO n written in columns A - The associated VBA code in this example will do that when enter-ing of the "J" or "n" writing YES or NO in the cell. The effect is limited to Col. A |
187 |
kald_vba-kode_og_slet_den.xls |
Call up a vba code and delete it |
188 |
kasserapport_demo.xls |
Demo sheet / file |
189 |
kilde_aj1.xls |
Copies a region from the active file to a new file with a blank line |
190 |
kildemappe_1.xls |
No |
See file 223 |
191 |
kildemappe_2.xls |
No |
See file 223 |
192 |
kilometer_penge_udb.xls |
Yes |
Help for you if you regularly pay a mileage allowance to the same people for more or less the same distance |
193 |
klar_til_brugerens_sortering.xls |
No |
Make the user aware to be sorted |
194 |
koerte_KM.xls |
No |
Calculating mileage on time etc.. - No vba code |
195 |
kol_til_tekstfil.xls |
Export Col. content to text file |
196 |
kombiner_2_ark_til_et_tredie_uden_gentagelser.xls |
Combines sheets1 and sheets2 data to Sheet3 without repetitions |
197 |
kontrol_af_ark_i_filen.xls |
No |
Checks on the list in a sheet set sheet is in the file |
198 |
kontrol_af_arktype.xls |
No |
Check if it's a plain sheet or a sheet |
199 |
kontrol_af_cpr_nr.xls |
Checking cpr.nr - check digit |
200 |
konverter_et_omaades_tal_til_tilfaeldige_tal.xls |
No |
Generation of case numbers in an area - the associated VBA code will in this example, multiplying the numbers in the selected area with a random number between 1 and 2 and anføreresultatet in the cell instead of the figure originally stood |
201 |
konverter_til_romertal.xls |
No |
Similar effect as when converting to checktal, but here just from ordinary numbers to Roman numerals as "XXVI". |
202 |
konverter_til_URL's.xls |
Convert to URL's |
204 |
kopier_ark_X_antal_gange.xls |
No |
Copies the current sheet x-number of times |
205 |
kopier_direkte_udvalgte_omraader_til_ark2.xls |
Transfer the selected cell values |
206 |
kopier_fil_fra_et_dir_til_et_andet.xls |
No |
Copies between libraries and checks whether the file is already |
207 |
kopier_filtrerede_data.xls |
No |
Copy filtered data to either a new sheet or to a new file. |
208 |
kopier_formel_i_kol_B_iht_antal_raekker_i_kol A.xls |
Copies a formula in Column B according to the number of rows in columns A |
209 |
kopier_fra_ark1_til_ark2_uden_dubletter.xls |
No |
Copy the data from Sheet1 Column A to sheets2 without including duplicates - The associated VBA code in this example will copy the data from Sheet1, Column A to sheets2 without including duplicates from Sheet1 |
210 |
kopier_givet_omraade_til_ny_fil.xls |
No |
Copy the selected area to the new file |
211 |
kopier_kol_ved_dobbeltklik_til_andet_ark.xls |
No |
On double-click transferring data from Sheet1 to sheets2 - The associated VBA code in this example will make it possible by double-clicking a cell in Sheet1, Kola to transfer the data in the row to sheets2 |
212 |
kopier_mellem_ark.xls |
No |
Copying certain data to a new file as the last sheet |
213 |
kopier_mellem_ark_bestemt_antal_data.xls |
No |
Copy the specified number of data between sheets |
214 |
kopier_og_slet_specielle_ord.xls |
Clears / copy data with the letter "a" in |
215 |
kopier_synlige_celler_kun.xls |
No |
Copies only the visible cells to another sheet |
216 |
kopier_til_nyt_ark_og_list_med_reference_til_celler.xls |
No |
List duplicates with reference to where they are in the sheet - the associated VBA code will in this example, make a list of duplicate-ing in a new sheet with reference to the cell duplicates are in |
217 |
kopier_vaerdi_af_a1_ud_i_celler.xls |
No |
Copies A1 value into multiple cells |
218 |
kopiere_dobbeltforekomster_til_nyt_ark.xls |
No |
Copies repeating data to a new sheet |
219 |
kopiere_fra_omraade_til_omraade_iht_koden.xls |
Copies one area to another area mentioned directly in the code |
220 |
kopiering_af_hveranden_raekke_iht_brugerstartdef.xls |
Copying every other row, starting row selected by the user |
221 |
kopiering_ala_transponering_af_data.xls |
No |
Transpose data from Sheet1 to sheets2 with a blank line between - the associated VBA code in this example will copy the data from Sheet1 derstår in the range A1: D7 to sheets2 where they appear in one col (col. A) with entom line between each data |
222 |
kopiering_iht_tal_og_tekst.xls |
Copies according to two criteria, numbers and text |
223 |
kopiering_incl_raekke_kol_formater.xls |
No |
Copying data incl format in a row and col |
224 |
kriterie_kopiering_mellem_2_ark.xls |
No |
Copying from one sheet to another according to criteria |
225 |
kun_arknavnet_til_celle_i_arket.xls |
No |
The sheet name appears in a cell in the sheet - the associated VBA code will in this example, create a user-defined function that makes it possible to ONLY get the sheet name to stand in a cell |
227 |
lav_aut_emailadr_UDEN_VBA_KODE.xls |
Yes |
Auto Generation of e-mail addresses - WITHOUT VBA CODE |
228 |
lav_en_farvepalette_og_vaelg_fra_denne.xls |
No |
Call color palette - The associated VBA code will in this example, make a color palette and allow selection from this |
229 |
lav_hyperlinks_til_filer_i_bibliotek.xls |
Create links to files |
230 |
lav_hyperlinks_til_filer_i_et_dir.xls |
Low htm page with links to files |
231 |
lav_vilkaarlige_saetninger.xls |
No |
Make small arbitrary sentences |
232 |
list_all_kombinationer_af_karakterer.xls |
List all possible combinations of characters |
233 |
list_excel_filer_i_dir.xls |
No |
Overview * xls files in the current directory - the associated VBA code in this example will load a list of file names on the excel files in the current directory |
234 |
list_farver_og_indeksnr_derpaa.xls |
No |
Overview of Excel's color code no |
235 |
list_filnavn_og_alle_ark_i_filen.xls |
Purpose: List Filename and all sheets in the file in the worksheet "Contents" |
236 |
list_skrifttyper_i_excel.xls |
No |
Make a list of fonts available in Excel - The associated VBA code will in this example, make a list of the fonts that are available in Excel. The list is made in Sheet1, Col. A |
237 |
list_underbiblioteker.xls |
Enter a library and get list'd subdirectories |
238 |
liste_over_installerede_fonte.xls |
No |
Smart little tool for Excel that provides an overview of all the pc'n installed fonts in a sheet. |
239 |
listeeks_mellem_to_filer_HER_FIL_1.xls |
Yes |
Displays the list box used between two files where one file has the basic information and file two list box. |
240 |
listeeks_mellem_to_filer_HER_FIL_2.xls |
Yes |
Displays the list box used between two files where one file has the basic information and file two list box. |
241 |
loebende_sortering_ved_indtastning.xls |
No |
Auto sorting by input - The associated VBA code in this example will automatically sort the data in sheet1 with each input. There is sorted according to Col. A. |
242 |
log_dato_og_tid_for_lukning_af_filen_i_ark.xls |
Log time of closing the file |
243 |
lottotal.xls |
No |
Try your luck, this file automatically generates lottery numbers - no profit guarantee of course. |
244 |
luk_alle_filer_og_evt_excel.xls |
No |
Closes all files and any Excel |
245 |
luk_fil_efter_10_sekunder.xls |
Save the file in 10 seconds |
246 |
luk_fil_med_og_uden_gem_foerst.xls |
No |
Close the file with or without GEM |
247 |
luk_og_slet_fil.xls |
No |
Closes the file and delete it then from hard disk |
248 |
luk_sluk_computeren.xls |
No |
Macro that when run shuts down the computer - the associated VBA code will in this example, shut down the computer |
249 |
luk_windows_ned.xls |
No |
Close Windows from Excel through macro - The associated VBA code will in this example, shut down Windows |
250 |
lyd_alarm.xls |
No |
Well, we've all been subjected to "strange users" - if only for ourselves at the start - but here you can give a verbal help or ...... .. the user is doing something in your sheets. |
251 |
lynkopiering_af_fil.xls |
Lynkopiering file |
252 |
makroimport_af_txt fil_med_semikolon.xls |
No |
Macro Text Import CSV file - The associated VBA code in this example will ensure that the macro impor-format text file even used a semicolon as a delimiter |
253 |
makrostart_afhaenger_af_formelvaerdi.xls |
No |
Start macro in accordance with a formal value - The corresponding VBA code will in this example gøredet possible to start a macro depending on the formal value. If B1 is greater than 10 started the macro |
254 |
makrostart_ved_hjaelp_af_tal-ENTER_tasten.xls |
Start the macro by using the ENTER key on the numeric keypad |
255 |
maksimalvaerdi._kolB_vises_loebende_i_kol_A.xls |
No |
Show the strøste value in columns B standing in columns A - The associated VBA code in this example will show the highest value from col B standing in columns A while entering |
256 |
manipuler_fildato.xls |
No |
Changes file date according to the user's choice |
257 |
marker_celle_med_stoerste_vaerdi.xls |
No |
Selects the cell with the largest value, see File No. 131 |
258 |
marker_celler_med_roed_skriftfarve.xls |
No |
Selecting Cells in red color - the associated VBA code will in this example, select all the cells that have RED font color |
259 |
marker_celler_til_hoejre.xls |
No |
Marking the cells to the right of the active cell |
260 |
marker_loer-_og_soendage.xls |
Select Saturdays and Sundays in the list |
261 |
marker_maksimal_vaerdi_i_raekke.xls |
No |
Selects the cell with the maximum, see 129 |
262 |
marker_paa_print_hvis_cellenote_og_export_til_ark2.xls |
No |
Checking whether there is any cell notes and export of these to sheets2 - The corresponding VBA code will in this example, check the printout whether there are notes in the cell among the cells that are in the selected area. Powered another macro cell are exported notes - with referenceadr. - To sheets2 |
263 |
marker_raekker_iht_bruger.xls |
No |
Marks a given number of rows according to user input |
264 |
meddel_bruger_om_aktive_ark.xls |
No |
Tells the user which sheets are active |
266 |
maal_aj1.xls |
Copies a region from the active file to a new file with a blank line |
267 |
maalfil.xls |
No |
Copying certain data to a new file as the last sheet |
268 |
maanedsark_med_inputbegraensning.xls |
Inserts 12 månedsark and restricts entry of these |
269 |
nem_dato_indtastning.xls |
No |
Easy Date Entry - The associated VBA code in this example will make it easy to enter dates. Try typing 1-4 in sheets1 in Kola and see what happens |
270 |
nem_datoindtastning_3.xls |
No |
Easy date entry 3 - The associated VBA code in this example will make the user need only enter the first 2 digits in the date after which the monthly and year-century automatically added |
271 |
nem_tidsindtastning_2.xls |
No |
Conversion of numeric data to the time format m: ss, 00 - The associated VBA code in this example will modify an entered number format for the above time format |
272 |
noegletals_formler.xls |
Summary of economic indicators |
273 |
nogen_aftaler_i_dag.xls |
List of possible agreements |
274 |
nummerering_i_sidefod_side_x_af_x_sider.xls |
Sidepaginering |
275 |
omraadenavne_til_kommentarfelt.xls |
No |
Moves the field names to the comment field |
276 |
opdel_hyperlink.xls |
Converting hyperlink's |
277 |
opdel_iht_plustegn.xls |
Find data in relation to the "+" |
278 |
opdel_tekst_i_karakterer.xls |
No |
Splits a given text in different character / letter of each new cell |
279 |
opdeling_pr_5_karakterer.xls |
Splitting the data entered |
280 |
opslag_fra_ark1_til_ark2.xls |
AutoFill |
281 |
ovf_hhv_kopier_kun_talformat.xls |
Copies ONLY numbers of cells WITHOUT their color format such |
282 |
ovf_kun_ved_numeriske_vaerdi_i_kol_A.xls |
Copies if col A has a numerical value |
283 |
ovf_til_tom_celle_i_andet_ark.xls |
Aut above p of the entered data to another sheet |
284 |
personale_kartotek.xls |
small løndatabase |
285 |
pivot_konsolidering.xls |
I got the impression that if you're not doing anything in pivot tables in Excel - yes, you are reasonably "YT", so I have tried and will probably continue with more examples later.This is an example of three different products which some accounts are consolidated with the opportunity to see each product figures remain. |
286 |
pivot_til_Graf.xls |
Yes |
Only where a result of a pivot table be used to produce a graph of. |
288 |
proces_indikator.xls |
Many times you have to believe in as a user that something is happening when a macro is running.Here are some examples of how the user more or less enjoyable to be kept informed about what actually happens something "machine". There are some examples of this by using "sliders" that moves, with or without text or information through statusbar'n. |
289 |
projektforloeb.xls |
Yes |
If you have any tasks or projects with titles, start date, duration and end up in this instance, a "graph" showing the different parts of a graphic way. |
290 |
raekkehoejde_i_cm.xls |
Allows you to set the row height in cm |
291 |
referere_direkte_til_et_omraade.xls |
No |
3 different ways to refer to an area, so you may again choose what suits you best depending on your situation. |
292 |
referere_til_et_omraade_vha_Cells.xls |
No |
3 different ways to refer to an area, so you may again choose what suits you best depending on your situation. |
293 |
referere_til_et_omraade_vha_Offset.xls |
No |
3 different ways to refer to an area, so you may again choose what suits you best depending on your situation. |
294 |
reset_menuer.xls |
No |
Resetting menu'r after too many changes - the associated VBA code in this example will reset menu'erne tildefaultværdierne |
295 |
roed_eller_groen_cellefarve_ved_aendring_af_cellevaerdi.xls |
Change cell color by changing the value |
296 |
sammenfoej_data_med_vba_kode.xls |
No |
Collector data in columns A and B and delete the orginal data |
297 |
sammenkopiering_af_5_ark.xls |
Copy multiple sheets into another |
298 |
sammenlign_data_i_kol_A.xls |
Compare data in columns A, the first 20 rows |
299 |
sammenlign_kol_a_og_b_dob_til_c.xls |
#I/T |
Comparing Column A and B, duplicate data above p to Col. C |
300 |
sammenligning_2_omraader_i_ark.xls |
No |
Comparison of two areas in the same sheet - The associated VBA code will in this example, create a user-defined function to check if the two areas are similar. If they are equal = True Or if they are unequally FALSE |
301 |
sammenligning_kol_data.xls |
Compare the sheets and remove duplicate data |
302 |
send_ark_hver_10_min_med_outlook.xls |
No |
Email sheets1 every 10 minutes to a recipient via Outlook - The associated VBA code in this example will make it possible to mail sheets1 to one consignee, here alanj@post2.tele.dk |
303 |
send_mail_paa_del_af_ark.xls |
No |
Send part of sheets per e-mail - The associated VBA code will in this example, sending a portion of a page as email |
304 |
sidste_cellevaerdi_i_kol.xls |
No |
Two user functions that return the value of the last cell or a row and a col. Is excellent for control in various cases where you "know" the outcome, but would like to check. |
305 |
sidste_cellevaerdi_i_raekke.xls |
No |
Two user functions that return the value of the last cell or a row and a col. Is excellent for control in various cases where you "know" the outcome, but would like to check. |
306 |
skjul_kol_uden_data_i.xls |
No |
Remove columns without data in (blank columns) - The associated VBA code in this example will remove blank columns so that only the protocol with the data in the visible |
307 |
skjul_roedt_markerede_celler.xls |
No |
Hides the cells marked in red in a col |
308 |
slet_alle_tal_og_formler_i_arket.xls |
No |
Delete all numbers and formulas but not text - The associated VBA code in this example will delete all numbers and formulas but not the text in the sheet. Select the range you want to delete before starting the macro |
309 |
slet_ark_i_filen_iht_liste_i_ark1.xls |
No |
Deleting given sheets in a file - The associated VBA code will in this example, delete the sheets with the names listed in Sheet1 Column A. Do not forget to mark the area with the names of the sheets to be removed before you start the macro |
310 |
slet_celle_med_bestemt_vaerdi.xls |
No |
Deletes all cells with a particular value |
311 |
slet_dubletter.xls |
No |
Widely used small program that deletes rows which reads the same value eg if in Col. A is a series of numbers with the number 10 repeated several times, you can sort by Col. first and then run the macro withdraw all but once the number 10 |
312 |
slet_gentagelser_af_vaerdier.xls |
No |
Clears all cells with the same value |
313 |
slet_tomme_raekker.xls |
No |
This small example deletes all empty rows in a spreadsheet. Great to use if one has received some rows by mistake in the center of a large or small area and regret it later. |
314 |
soeg_efter_vaerdi_og_anfoer_fundet_med_ref_i_nyt_ark.xls |
Search for a particular cell value and indicate it in sheets2 with reference |
315 |
soeg_og_kopier_iht_datoer.xls |
No |
User Abandoned date range for copying - The associated VBA code in this example will ask the user for a date range and then copy those rows from Sheet1 to sheets2 |
316 |
sorter_efter_hypighed_af_data.xls |
No |
Sorts one protocol according to the number of times a given value occurs |
317 |
sorter_raekker_iht_celles_vaerdi.xls |
No |
Sorting acc. A cell's contents - the associated VBA code in this example will sort the data in the column whose title is in cell J2, and state criterion in the status bar to the user's orientation |
318 |
sorter_til_andet_ark.xls |
Sort the data to another sheet |
319 |
spoerg_bruger_om_arkbeskyttelse_med_password.xls |
No |
User can protect the sheet according to macro - The associated VBA code will in this example, ask the user if he wants to protect the sheet with or without password |
320 |
start_altid_i_foerste_ark.xls |
No |
Always start folder with the first sheet as a current sheet - The associated VBA code in this example will make the first sheet in the file is always the sheets are ready for entry by opening the file |
321 |
store_hhv_smaa_bogstaver.xls |
No |
Change font size between large or small - the associated VBA code in this example will change from uppercase letters to lowercase and vice versa |
322 |
sum_iht_tallets_farve.xls |
No |
Very simply, all the red and black, and blue data are summed separately. |
323 |
summer_alle_vaerdier_med_kursiv.xls |
Summer all figures in italics |
324 |
summer_iht_brugeroenske_iht_inputboks.xls |
No |
Sums the rows indicated by the user |
325 |
tael_hvis_eksempel.xls |
Yes |
For example, as written, to summarize a series of numbers according to some criteria. |
326 |
tael_aar_mdr_dg.xls |
No |
It would create a user function - and the array formula is also used - automatically splits the difference between two dates in years, months and days |
327 |
tal_iht_forbogstaver.xls |
Given the initial letter = given number |
328 |
tal_til_dato_konvertering.xls |
No |
This saves the user to type "- -" hyphens in dates. |
329 |
tekstrotation.xls |
No |
Reverses the order of text |
330 |
test.xls |
Lynkopiering file |
331 |
test_om_fil_eksisterer_aktuelt_bibli.xls |
No |
Checks if the file exists in the current directory |
332 |
tilfaeldig_fordeling_af_0_og_1.xls |
No |
The random distribution of numbers |
333 |
tilfoej_mellemrum_mellem_hver_3_karakter.xls |
Divide text |
334 |
tilfoej_til_autokorrekturliste.xls |
Allows you to add entries to the AutoCorrect list in Excel |
335 |
tilfoej_til_nuvaerende_cellevaerdi.xls |
Add characters to the current cell value |
336 |
total_for_vaerdier_af_aarets_mandage_mv.xls |
Added up values from all the year, for example. Mondays |
337 |
udlaes_til_txt_fil_med_brugernavn.xls |
No |
Export data to text file with the user name included - The associated VBA code in this example will output data in columns Atil a TXT file included user name |
338 |
udskriv_arket_for_den_aktuelle_maaned.xls |
No |
Automatically prints the sheet for the current month - the associated VBA code in this example will always print sheet Forden current month |
339 |
udskriv_bestemte_ark.xls |
Expression of sheets to be printed, OFF and ON |
340 |
udskriv_ikke_tomme_raekker.xls |
No |
Marking every second row - the associated VBA code in this example will make every other row in column A gray. |
341 |
udskriv_kun_specielle_raekker.xls |
No |
Print only rows with a number 5 in columns A - The corresponding VBA code will do in this example that only rows where there are a number 5 in columns A to be printed |
342 |
udskriv_modularket.xls |
No |
Prints the module sheet - vba macro text - The associated VBA code will in this example, make it possible to print the module sheet neat and tidy |
343 |
udskriv_navngivet_omraade_via_vba_kode.xls |
No |
Printing via vba of the named range - the associated VBA code in this example will print the named range from Sheet1 via vba code |
344 |
udskriv_omraade_iht_celle_A1.xls |
No |
Print area according to the value of cell A1 - The corresponding VBA code will in this example, the print area shown in the cell A1 |
345 |
udskriv_omraade_iht_celleindhold.xls |
Printing according to the area mentioned in cell |
346 |
udskrivningsomraade_til_foerste_nulvaerdi_i_kol_a.xls |
No |
Aut. Print Area - The associated VBA code will in this example automatically print an area that is before the first zero value in Column A |
347 |
udsorter_hoejeste_vaerdi_af_et_omraade.xls |
No |
Out separation the highest value in a range of col A |
348 |
udtraek_tal_hhv_bogstaver_fra_streng.xls |
Extract numbers and letters of a string of characters, Custom. Function |
349 |
udvikling_vist_paa_3_maader.xls |
Many times you have to believe in as a user that something is happening when a macro is running.Here are some examples of how the user more or less enjoyable to be kept informed about what actually happens something "machine". There are some examples of this by using "sliders" that moves, with or without text or information through statusbar'n. |
350 |
udviklingsindikator_2.xls |
Many times you have to believe in as a user that something is happening when a macro is running.Here are some examples of how the user more or less enjoyable to be kept informed about what actually happens something "machine". There are some examples of this by using "sliders" that moves, with or without text or information through statusbar'n. |
351 |
valuta.xls |
Yes |
See file 229 |
352 |
valutakurser_2001.xls |
Yes |
Overview of the exchange rate from the central bank - the courses available for download via link't in Sheet1 and save the file to a directory on your hard drive. The library must be the same as that where this file is. Straighten out the chains in this file to the file you downloaded in the National Bank from the link above and you can now enter a date in this file and automatically download the courses from the other. |
353 |
variabel_graf_kol.xls |
No |
How often have you been involved in a situation of having to add a protocol to a graph. This can be fairly difficult, but this example makes it much easier. |
354 |
vend_minus_fortegn.xls |
No |
Move minus the imported data (back to front) - The associated VBA code in this example will move all minus sign in sheet stands behind the numbers to the front so can be calculated on them in Excel. Is addressed in sheets1, try right sheets2 |
355 |
aaben_fil_ved_reference_til_lukket_fil.xls |
No |
Open enclosed folder via macro - The associated VBA code will in this example, open a closed folder through a macro |
#I/T |
dato_og_loebende_tid_i_regneark.xls |
No |
Displays the current date and current time in the spreadsheet |
#I/T |
kun_grålige_farver_til_rådighed_i_farvepaletten.xls |
Only gray tones available in the color palette |
#I/T |
creditcard_nr_kontrol |
The control calculates a given credit card no. |